
Creator of "The Story of Stuff" Shows What's At Stake with Commons Assets

February 15, 2012
She weaves hard facts, witty animation and an engaging "everywoman" narrator role to illuminate complex problems that threaten the commons, and offer promising commons sense solutions.
Leo Burke

A World That Works for Everyone: The Commons Goes to Business School

January 16, 2012
A Notre Dame business school professor incorporates the commons into MBA and undergraduate courses. He predicts that all B-schools will eventually teach courses on the importance of the commons.

Water Belongs to All of Us

December 14, 2011
This grassroots inner city group takes an out-front role in many water issues, and is in the forefront of an emerging campaign to claim water as a commons throughout the Great Lakes region.

The Art of Co-Creation

September 28, 2011
An artist and performer who gathers impressions of what ten years of war mean for our world

Longtime Champion of the Commons

August 14, 2011
An activist and attorney who highlights the perils of commodifying everything in the world.

Hip Hop's ReMix Master

July 13, 2011
The living embodiment of collaboration. New art becomes an ongoing conversation with our ancestors, he says
Pat Mooney

A Watchdog Who Defends Global Biodiversity

June 29, 2011
Pat Mooney paints a sobering picture of just how far enclosures of the commons are proceeding: Companies are turning all sorts of agricultural crops and even basic elements of matter into proprietary products. As executive director of the Canadian-based ETC Group, Mooney has long fought the corporate consolidation, biotechnology abuses, and wrong-minded public policies that are accelerating these enclosures.

Connecting Commoners Across Continents

March 17, 2011
If there is one thing that Silke Helfrich has learned in her world travels, it is the cross-cultural appeal of the commons.

An Open Source World

March 1, 2011
For Saulo Araujo, the commons idea of open source extends far beyond software, beyond even the Internet itself all the way to villages in northeastern of Brazil.

Boston Youth Group Pushes Commons-based Goals

February 9, 2011
The Hyde Square Task Force is by far and away one of the most promising community success stories.
Mark Lakeman

Mark Lakeman

December 24, 2010
Mark Lakeman is an architect fired up by the belief that our neighborhoods can become more than places where we hang our hats and park our cars.
Rajendra Singh

Rehydrating India's Dry Rivers

May 7, 2010
Drawing on indigenous knowledge of hydrology and ecology, Rajendra Singh restored water to the dried-up rivers of India's Rajasthan region.
Nourishing the spirit of the commons in Cleveland

Nourishing the spirit of the commons in Cleveland

March 22, 2010
Rev. Tracey Lind notes that there is a profound spiritual dimension to the commons.
Kim Klein

An Authority on Non-Profits Makes the Case that Philanthropy Can't Solve all our Problems

November 17, 2009
For Klein, a Methodist who once considered becoming a minister, the commons is a spiritual as well as a political and social issue.