


Economic growth that depends upon depleting nature is not “progress,” but wanton destruction of a vital commons. Our mission is to draw attention to this theft of commonly owned wealth and promote ways to restore natural ecosystems through better commons management systems.

September 9, 2014

What If We Put the Future First?

The 2014 Women’s Congress translates this question into practical steps for protecting coming generations

 Annette Bernhardt under a CC license

September 3, 2014

People's Climate Justice Movement Tackles Threats Facing Us

Why the commons is the foundation of a climate justice agenda

(By Ijirawu Jimbo under a CC license)

August 11, 2014

Care of of the Commons. Care of the Soul

Sharing is the path to a greener, more peaceful world

Judges appraise the quality of tap water from various US communities at the 133rd annual conference of the American Water Works Association.

July 14, 2014

Why Boston Brags About the Tastiest Tap Water in the US

Watershed protection, not filtration plants, make them the winner
June 23, 2014

Commons Social Charter Engages Everyone to Protect the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes Commons introduces the charter and a new website

(Photo by Mkorsakov under a Creative Commons license.)

May 19, 2014

To Stop Climate Change, Start Calling It By a Different Name

Subconsciously, we warm to the idea of hotter planet

Photo by PennStateNews under a Creative Commons license.

April 19, 2014

How a Commons Way of Life Helps Curb Climate Change

It offers an appealing alternative to more stuff and more money, which drives environmental destruction today
Indigenous Lenca people organized a human barricade to stop a dam on the Gualcarque river. (Photo courtesy of School of Americas Watch)
April 13, 2014

Indigenous People In Honduras Block Dam on Sacred River

Despite U.S.-backed violence against them, the Rio Blanco community is fighting back as multinational corporations encroach on their lands
February 8, 2014

How We Turned the Tide on Climate Change

Excerpt from a new novel "The Wave", chronicling the rise of a movement beginning soon