

Toronto Takes the Lead in Banning Bottled Water

December 17, 2008

Our Water Commons


In every corner of the globe, communities (not just human, but flora and fauna as well) are in a pitched battle against thirst. One clear lesson emerges from the struggles of the world’s water warriors — water management remains a leaky endeavor unless it adheres to the principles of the commons — the gifts of society and nature that are shared by all, for generations to come.

Click below to learn more about the Our Water Commons global network and to read the report.

On the Commons Publication: 
Main Image: 
Our Water Commons

Open Source Water

September 17, 2008
Tap’dNY competes by selling bottles of New York City’s delicious tap water

Take Us to the Water

September 5, 2008
A festival celebrates the wonder of a water fountain.

How We Bought the Idea of Bottled Water

June 18, 2008

Throttle the Bottle

May 27, 2008
New campaigns arise to get everyone back on tap

Bring Back the Public Water Fountain

May 27, 2008

Sierra Club, Water Privatization Task Force

A volunteer-based subcommittee that addresses corporate privatization of water/sewer services and threatened commodification of water itself. The task force also helps municipalities facing the loss of water resources due to over-pumping for bottled water or bulk water withdrawals.

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