


Corporate initiatives to privatize, control, deplete or pollute fresh water around the world are intensifying, which raises sobering questions about fair access to an indispensable resource for life. The commons provides many constructive answers to this growing threat.

February 21, 2007

Enforcing the Moratorium Commons: Of Terrorists, Pirates, State-sponsored Industrial Criminals, and Whales

A face-off between activist "pirates" and Japanese whaling ships highlights the meaning and complexity of the commons.
December 1, 2006

When You Write it Down, You Forget How to Remember

Artists can help awaken human stories so deeply buried that we no longer remember--like our connection to the life giving sustenance of water.
November 30, 2006

Major Setback for Water Privatizer RWE

A major setback for water privatization as German corporation RWE pulls out of America.
October 30, 2006

The Future of the California Coastline

A history of coastline protection in California.
October 2, 2006

Europe's New Enclosure

Europe's big-time failure with a cap-and-trade scheme to limit global warming.
May 3, 2006

The Great Lakes as Bottled Water

Concerns raised about water becoming another commodity, to be bought and sold like oil.
February 14, 2006

Who Owns Maine's Water?

We need to ensure that Maine's water is clean, available and affordable for all -- and not endangered by large commercial bottlers.
August 9, 2005

Protecting our National Water Supply

Water privatization is raising prices, reducing safety, and producing unequal access to clean water. The answer is to reclaim water as a commons.
April 18, 2005

Beaches Belong to Us All

David Geffen relents and obeys the law that gives the public the right to walk along public beaches in Malibu.