

The Gift Economy in Mali

July 27, 2009
Other Worlds explores "just economy" alternatives around the world.

Why Karl Polanyi Still Matters

February 24, 2009
It's a ripe moment to dust off "The Great Transformation" and its anthropological critique of "self-regulating markets."

The Household as Commons

January 12, 2009
Why do co-occupants favor gift-exchange over contracts, and consensus over majority rule?

Lessons from Indian Potlatch?

December 19, 2008

Michel Bauwens and the Peer Production Economy

December 12, 2008
A visionary looks at the kind of new society that online sharing is creating.

From Whence Does Creativity Emerge?

November 26, 2008
Lewis Hyde explores the nether zone between identity and community.

"The Gift" Turns 25

April 28, 2008
Lewis Hyde's modern classic about creativity and the gift economy is re-released.